Will Blog for Food

I haven’t posted on my blog in forever and ever because I have spent non-work hours and many sleepless nights scouring the internet for “work from home” opportunities. As it turns out, this is a monumental task. There’s a lot of bullshit out there, y’all. I’m here to give you a little advice on some of the shit I’ve learned so far.

First, participating in paid surveys is totally not worth your time and energy. The average payout is like $1 for 2 hours of your time. Basically, YOU are paying them. And I don’t like paying for shit, so I quit. I did, however, find J a gig through my survey research that pays $60…all she has to do is monitor her snacking habits on a palm pilot (which they supplied her with) for 2 weeks. Don’t ask me where I came across that shit, because God only knows, but she’s kinda excited about earning some extra cash by doing close to nothing. Plus, it’s good for me because she owes me $60…it’s a win/win.

Another scheme you should avoid is this google ad thingy you can put on your blog. See it? Yeah, well, unless you have 9,000 hits a day, that shit doesn’t pay off, either. And, although I’d like to think people are actually reading this shit…you’ll see on the right there that I only have 4 followers. And, at $0.00034 a click, it’ll be 62 years before I see $1.

After figuring that the money ain’t gonna roll in while I sit on my fat ass by the pool with a good book and a pina colada, I decided to get serious. So, while I'm whoring myself out doing contract work and making hair bows in the evenings, I'm still juggling my day job and all the fun shit is falling by the way side.  Which is sad, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
Not having a properly functioning air conditioning unit in Houston is like TORTURE... 

And, when I say TORTURE, I mean it. Literally.  It's like poor Daniel Craig in that James Bond movie where he's naked and tied to a seatless chair and some guy is whipping his balls from underneath.  It's like that.  Except I have no balls.  Well, figuratively I do.  Anyway... I'm not sure why our shit is taking so long to get fixed, you'd have to ask Hubber.  But, after two nights in a plush hotel room, we did a little math and figured we better take our asses back home before we did too much damage to the bank account.  So, we bought a couple of window units.  WINDOW units.  To cool our 2,800 sq ft home. Because THAT would work.  Sure.  Turns out, those bitches can only cool two parts of the house: the master bedroom and the livingroom/kitchen/dining area.  We have to close doors and put sheets up in hallways to keep the coolness in.  It's very ghetto.  And cozy.  I'm shocked that my children haven't killed each other yet.  They're sharing the living room...which has turned into a quasi campground of sorts.  The sofa bed has been out for days. The big couch is fitted with sheets and stuffed animals. The coffee table is littered with empty juice pouches, half-eaten pieces of fruit, empty chip bags and crumbs.  Lots of crumbs.  I'm just waiting for the ants and roaches to appear. And we can't cook anything on the stove or in the oven that takes more than 15 minutes or so to cook because that shit will kill the coolness with a quickness. And I've resorted to screaming at anyone opening a door, "CLOSE THE DOOR, YOU'LL LET THE COOL AIR OUT, DAMNIT!"  because those heifers can't seem to remember that it's fucking hot in that mofo if you leave a door cracked open!

And, god forbid I turn my blow dryer on!  My hair has looked like shitballs for a week now.

And as if all that weren't bad enough, our fucking swimming pool is out of service.  And by that, I mean: the goddamned water looks like pea soup!  So, we can't even escape the indoor heat by tooling around in the pool.  We have to all sit huddled together in front of the window unit air conditioner...all the while getting on each other's last nerves.
Parks just aren't what they used to be...  

This morning, we went to the neighborhood park at the butt crack of dawn.  Being the first ones there today, I expected to see remnants from the night before strewn all over the place - the way inner city parks are.  Boy was I shocked not to find anything spray painted or empty beer cans or syringes or the smell of piss.  Because, in town, that's the kind of shit you have to look forward to bright and early in a park... and you're lucky if you don't bump into a homeless person who made a park bench their bed for the night. At our suburban neighborhood park this morning, here's what we found:

that is a kid's shoe up on the pavillion roof....proof that somebody had one helluva party last night!


three shoes and landscaping stones that some kid probably wanted to steal and their parents didn't let them because their parents suck ass (yes, we took one home with us)...


Yeah....those bitches LITTERED!   For shame...


instead of graffiti, there are nicely printed signs with exercising tips and famous quotes! 
George Washington can suck my left tit!   

I learned quickly that explaining what death is to a three-year-old is not easy. And I’m not smart enough, evidently, to explain it in a caring, round-about way. I blame George fucking Washington for this shit. Because, y’all, why’d that fucker have to die?! If he were still alive, the conversation I had with lil J about death would not have even happened.

Lil J: : Mommy, who’s this old guy on my money?
Me: George Washington. He was a president a long time ago.

Lil J: Oh. Well, where is he now?

Me: He’s dead.

Lil J: How’d he die?

Me: I don’t know…I guess he was just old and crusty.

Lil J: Oh.

Then, she got out of the car and went to school. And, I went on my merry way to work, figuring that was the end of that conversation. *whew*. But, when I picked her up from school, we picked right back up where we left off.

Lil J: Mommy?

Me: Huh?

Lil J: What happened to the old, crusty guy after he was dead?

Me: What do you mean?

Lil J: Where’d he go?

Me: I guess he was buried.

Lil J: WHAT?! BURIED in the DIRT?!

Me: Yes, but then his spirit went to heaven with baby Jesus.

Lil J: Poor guy.

Me: Well, everyone has to die some time.

Lil J: But, I don’t want to be dead.

Me: You have a loooong time to live, you’re not old and crusty.

Lil J: Ok.

Then, we got home. And I figured that was that. No more talk of death. We had dinner. We laughed. We played. We argued. We let the dog out. Same ol’ shit. I got Lil J in the shower, scrubbed her down, washed her hair and left her there to play a little while I washed my face and whatnot. That’s when the crying started.

Me: What in the world is wrong?!

Lil J: I don’t want to be dead!

Me: Oh, for pete’s sake. No one lives forever. It’s ok. Really.

Lil J: But, I don’t want to buried. I don’t want to be dead. I don’t want to be old and crusty.

Me: Oh, baby. It’s ok. You’ll be an angel.

Lil J: I don’t want to be an angel! I want to be a person!

That’s when I noticed Hubber in the doorway looking absolutely mortified.

Hubber: WTF?!

Me: Uhm. It’s all because of George Washington!

Hubber: What is wrong with you?! You don’t say shit like that to a baby!

Me: Baby?! She’s almost FOUR!

Hubber: Don’t listen to Mommy, she’s crazy. You don’t have to worry about dying. Ok? I promise.

Lil J: Ok, Daddy.

So, basically, I’m the bad guy and Daddy is the hero because in his little made up world, no one dies. They just go away to Neverland or some shit. What happens when someone she knows actually DOES die?! What then?! And we can’t even explain this shit in a religious type of way because we haven’t introduced Lil J to CHURCH or GOD or anyone except 8 lb, 6 oz baby Jesus for crissakes!

Anyway, so now….NOW….I’m sticking to the story that: NO, we won’t die… because, she asks me at least once a day now whether or not we’ll die. I say, “no,” and change the subject quickly. That seems to do the trick. For now.

Holy shitballs, y'all...I just got this over email....is it a sign?? 

Who done it?! 
The paranormal shit in our house is totally out of fucking control. Now, when a door is supposed to be locked and isn't.... or water is left running in the kitchen... or closet lights are left on all day... or dog hair is mysteriously all over the sofa... or the thermostat is supposed to be on 72 and instead is on 70... we all blame the damn ghost because NOBODY else "did it".  The ghost is fucking with us, I think.  Because nothing irks Hubber like someone jacking with his A/C thermostat.  Well, accept for maybe me poking him in his arm pit.... or someone parking in front of the mailbox... or dog shit in the front yard... or empty wine glasses.  Oh, wait. Forget that last one. That's one of mine.  I think we need to set a trap and nip this ghost shit in the butt once and for all. Too bad that little squeaky lady from Poltergiest died...she would have been an awesome trap setter!
Needing a Permanent Vacation... 

So, we're in the throes of planning our next vacation. I know what you're thinking, "Damn, didn't y'all just get back from vacation a few weeks ago?"  And, yes, we did.  And the day I went back to work, I immediately began anticipating the next one. As did everyone else in my household, evidently, because every single one of them have a different idea of what we should be doing.  I wanted to chill at the beach.  With my dog.

J: I want to go to New York City to see a broadway show and the Statue of Liberty.

Lil J:  I wanna have a baycayshun!

Hubber: I'd be happy just having a staycation so there's no money spending and debauchery involved.

Me: Y'all are nuts. We're going to the beach.

Lil J: I wanna go to the beach for baycayshun!

Sis: Hey, we want to go with y'all on vacation!  Why don't you ever invite us to go?!

Me: You can come, shit.

Sis: Good. Let's go on a cruise.

Me: WTF?!

J: Ooooh....I know what would be totally like awesome!  Let's go amusement park hopping!

Me: Yeeeah....we can finally go to Dollywood!  And Graceland!

Hubber:  Graceland is not an amusement park, you're thinking of Neverland.  Besides, there are three parks in Texas...if you count Sea World....so we could save tons of money on gas!

Lil J: I don't want to go to Texas for baycayshun!!  Texas is dumb!

Sis: If we go on a cruise, we'll never have to see our kids!

Me: Where the hell is my passport!?

I have a feeling we'll never agree on what to do, so I might have to flex my mommy muscles soon in order to get shit to go my way.  There's got to be a way to incorporate my dog, Elvis, amusement parks, kid-free zones, AND the beach in this plan.
Feeling Kinda Bitchy...

My allergies have been kicking my ass lately. Evidently, Houston is experiencing historically high pollen counts and it’s that shit that is wreaking havoc on my sinuses. I am now on antibiotics for a sinus infection which means no booze for 10 days. That shit is fucked up. How’s a girl to get her thrills? And my jackass doctor said that wine counts as booze. So…basically, it’s ok for a pregnant woman to drink a couple of glasses of wine a day, but a totally UNpregnant woman with a sinus infection can’t?! WTF? Something ain’t right with this picture. And, as if that piece of news wasn’t bad enough… I had to do blood work while I was at the doctor. I try to tell those bitches that I have only one good vein, but they don’t listen…so now I look like a junkie with track marks all over my arm from where they poked me and no blood flowed.

In other news… Work sucks, y’all. I’m finding it hard to listen to these yip yappers without getting the sudden urge to poke them in the eyes with my pen. Maybe being sick has drained me of patience, I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m about to go postal if they don’t get out of my face with all their nonsense. Smiling and nodding and NOT listening to them seems to work for a few minutes…the trick is to get them out of my office before I lose my shit. I’ve tried singing songs in my head. I’ve tried imagining the yip yapper with a tiny Beatlejuiced head. I’ve tried imagining I could do a Chuck Norris kick to their head and snap their neck in two seconds. I’ve tried counting the number of times they blink their eyes…or look at my boobs… or say “like”…or “and uhm”. All the while, smiling and nodding… like I give a shit. Maybe I’m just jonesing for some booze. Since I KNOW I can’t have any, it makes me want it even more which makes me irritable and totally intolerant… or intolerable… or both.