Are they faking it?

I find myself spending too much time dealing with idiots. Yes, that's right, stupid people. People who have no common sense. People who can't figure anything out for themselves. Nit-wits. Ding-bats. You know the type. They drive me nuts, I tell ya. In a management meeting this morning, someone said, "Oh, don't give that to Jane to do, she'll screw it all up." Uhm, excuse me. We've given Jane every opportunity to succeed here. It's time to let her dumb ass go! Sheesh. If she can't run the mail through the damn postage machine without screwing things up, then it's time to be rid of her. I sound harsh, don't I? I guess I'm just fed up with having to overload the hard working mule because we have dead weight that won't move. Sometimes I wonder if people like Jane are just faking it. Maybe she's a friggen genius! She just acts like a dumb ass in order to get out of doing any work. How can she live with herself?!
I'm baaaaack!

Wow. It's been awhile since I've been able to update my blog. December always goes by too fast - so fast, sometimes, that if you blink (or even stop to take a breath), it's suddenly January 6th. Good news is, I didn't drop off of the face of the Earth. I survived Christmas - and I made it through my parents' New Year's Eve party without making a fool out of myself! Come to think of it, everyone pretty much stayed sober and sane. Which, in our family, is a miracle. My sister, brother and father puked 3 years in a row. It was kind of became a running joke: Who's going to throw-up first this year? Well, Dad finally realized he can't drink the way he used to, my brother was too sick to drink much, and my sister had a "date" she was trying to keep her cool for this year. My other brother has as much sense as God gave a ant so he always does/says something we can use against him over and over all year until the next time he makes an idiot out of himself. Once, at the auto parts store he manages, when speaking to a customer in spanish, he said, "Lo tengo que cagar" instead of "Lo tengo que cargar." He was referring to "charging a battery." But if you know spanish, "cagar" means "to shit," and "cargar" means "to charge." So, in essense, he told the guy to "Wait here, while I go shit on your battery."
Queer Eye

The Queer Eye for the Straight Guy – great show! Hubber can say what he wants to about it, but I know he loves it! The fab 5 making over the poor, tasteless straight guy – it’s genius, I tell ya! Why is it that gay guys are so hip and “with it?” When Hubber and I were dating, I made him stop wearing his coach’s shorts. Uhm… if you’re not a coach, on a high school football field, you have no business wearing those god awful things. Even coaches look hideous in them – but at least THEY are actual coaches, so it can be overlooked. But no man of mine is going to be struttin’ his stuff in those shorts. Nu-uh. No way Jose.
I'm playing hookie from work tomorrow. Hubber and I are going shopping - maybe this time we'll finish. I'm ready to quit buying stuff for other people and start buying stuff for myself! Ever since becoming an a adult (and a mother, to boot) I've been getting jipped (sp?) in the gift department, so I try to get myself a few nice things as compensation for other people's poor judgment. I've been good, too, damnit! Last year Hubber took me on a shopping spree. That was fun! But, now I'm skinnier than I was last year and all those shopping spree clothes are making me look ridiculously slobbish these days. The problem is - I plan to lose more weight over the next few months. So, should I shop now or wait it out until I'm closer to my goal weight? Ugh. Maybe a few things now, and a whole LOT of stuff later! I can't wait until I'm skinny!!

I would like to shop for all my co-workers on this site: The MISTAKES sticky pad says, "It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others." And the CLUELESS one says, "There are no stupid questions but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.” The sad part is that the clueless people won't GET it. Oh wait, here's another fave...the PROCRASTINATION one says, "Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now." That's why I'm blogging at work.

There's something for everyone on this site!

I can spend days in bookstores with my nose in book after book after book! I love those places. Bookstores are where all my ideas surface - where all my plans to change parts of my life, to make resolutions come to pass. For a few brief hours, I'm lost in a world of culture, history, comedy and fiction. I love it! If I win the lotto, I think I'll buy a bookstore.

We went to Barnes & Noble last weekend. For the first few minutes, Hubber, J and I all browsed together. Then he followed her to the children's section. I promised to meet up with them shortly. Well, I never did. Over in the children's section, Hubber kept trying to pull J away and drag her back over to where I was. But she was adamant on staying because "Mommy said she'd meet us here!" "Mommy's not coming!" he finally told her. He was right. I had no intention of making my way to the kiddie section. None at all. I hadn't even realized an hour had passed when they found me. I could spend forever in that place.
Our Home for the Holidays

Our house now closely resembles my image of what Santa's Workshop should look like. Or some might say that it looks like Santa puked all over our house! We've got crap all over the place! Lights, wreaths and garland outside - along with those "balls of light" or whatever they're called. Inside, we've got cookie jars, candy bowls and candles galore, a winter village scene, a snowman family, a moose family, animated snoopy, animated mr./ms. claus, and more garland wreaths and lights! Not to mention our big, fat Christmas tree. Hey, you only live once, right?! We looove Christmas time - and it's plainly obvious once you step through the front door. It's the closest you can get to being obnoxious without actually BEING obnoxious.

We're cute, we're fun, we're one cool family, damnit!