Quilting. It's not just for grannies.

What started out as a wild hair up my ass has turned into this:

I'm doing that by hand, y'all. And I'm pretty damn good at it, too.  What I didn't realize is that pre-cut 4" quilting squares can get quite expensive.  So, I've gotta buy that shit on ebay because if I'm not careful, it'll start cutting into my booze money. Which, also, is not just for grannies. I'm just saying.   The other drawback is that once your family starts figuring out how fucking badass quilts are, they all start putting requests in.  The one above is for lil J...but now J wants a blue-themed one to match the walls in her room...and my neice wants one for princesses.  Shit.  Being crafty sucks sometimes. You know what else sucks?  You can buy a brand new, completed quilt on ebay for less than $100.  WTF, grannies?!  They're devaluing themselves. I've spent at least $100 already and I'm barely (almost) at the halfway point.  And when you take into consideration what my time is worth along with my blood, sweat, and tears...I've got to be $13,976.53 in the hole. Give or take. This shit is priceless, y'all! And these damn quilting grannies with their computerized sewing machines are really pissing me off.  What happened to the olden days when you quilted by HAND and peeps cherished this crap?  

Meanwhile, I'm getting a sewing machine for my birthday!  Yessir.  Because, fuck it.  I'm a sellout, too. I will say, though, that although I plan to use the sewing machine to quilt the top to the backing....I will continue sewing the top squares/designs by hand.  Because I'm awesome that way.  And I'm not a granny. Yet.